Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Mychal-Ana Abbott: Strange Specimens

                                                       Image Slide Show
I am Mychal-Ana N. Abbott and I am a maquette concept artist. My work is primarily in smaller figures made of plasticine on wire armatures. For my Capstone Project I chose to gain experience in this mode of art making, building the foundation for a strong portfolio. Each maquette was of my own design and varied in size, shape and character for an overall balanced series.

After many hours of art making and from enjoying hundreds of hours worth of watching movies, I came to a conclusion: as trivial as movie art might seem to some, it is actually as important as the movies themselves. No matter how fictitious or realistic, movies are art that influences cultures around the world. For me as an artist, I have found that movie making is just as much a social responsibility as it is a part of the economy. Feature films and television shows are the most modern form of story telling, since the ages of pictographs and campfire fables. Cautions must be taken in how the story is told and to whom. How the audience receives it and what they walk away with afterwards directly impacts American culture and others around the globe.

Artist Statement:
My work with polymer clay strives to evoke intrigue and unease through the uncanny, grotesque and fantastic. My aesthetic explores the boundary between discomfort and visual pleasure. I want my work to have the same blend of attraction and repulsion I feel when I see an amazing creature brought to life on the screen.

On a formal level, I strive for dynamic poses that express base human experiences. In this way, I am a relatively traditional sculptor, influenced by Rodin. On a contemporary level, my themes are strongly influenced by Brian Froud and his depictions of Cornish Folklore.

Monday, April 20, 2015

3rd Term, Entry 1

Thus far, my sculptures are done with only fine details left. My deadline for completion is Friday night on the 24th of April, as the full series are being installed in a show on campus starting the next day on the 25th. On my final piece, one featuring two figures of the same creature (an eloquent bird figure dressed in Victorian clothes as well as battle gear), Jordu gave very high praise. I look forward to attending my internship in his studio after graduation in June.

Oh wow! Great work, and I have seen enormous progress since you began, Mychal! These creatures have character and attitude, and this is the main ingredient to making cool fantasy figures! Very nice!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Winter Term 2015: Blog Update #3

The series of sculptures is still progressing and the fifth maquette in particular is taking more time due to larger size as well as necessary details as a result. This is not a problem, as I have adjusted my number of pieces from 8 minimum to 6 minimum in order to meet the April 22 deadline for the art student show. By having all pieces 97% completed by march 30th, this allows me time enough to perfect each piece, going back and using experience gained to refine what may be less so.

Piece #5 if 75-85% complete with current subtotal time spent at around 30 hrs. I predict that it will be at 97% completion in another 10 hrs.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Winter Mid-Term Update 02/15/15

Progress is going great. 4 sculptures are completed as far as necessary for now and the fifth is being designed. This one shall be much taller than the others to allow for lots of detail.

Feedback from my outside contact has been very positive. Only 2 of the current 4 warranted any critique from him.

E-mail reply from Jordu Schell involving 4th sculpture, "The Faery":

Looks pretty good--- I feel that, proportionately, it could use some work; the torso seems really long, and the feet a bit small to support the character…. I love Froud, so I can definitely pick up on the vibe you're going for. The wings could be bigger as well…. and maybe more detailed?
------Keep it up, girl!

Here is a before and after of the piece he is referring to.

Winter Term: Update 2

As of 2/05/15 My progress is increasing. Three sculptures are complete with the exception of surface finishing, which will be done to all of them at once after the full set is done.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Winter Term Entry #1

At this time the goals from the previous term have been carried over into this one. Sculpture 1 of 8 is 98% complete with only surface texture left over to do and 2 of 8 is 75% complete in detail blocking phase. The focus is including studies of "grotesque", "uncanny" and "monstrous" for the goal of intriguing the viewer and fostering fascination/discomfort.

Goal that is in effect is to progress to 8 sculpture to 98% completion by the end of this winter term.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Entry #3

At the moment, I have abandoned my first sculpture due to the materials being unable to meet my standards. Now I have all of the necessary clay, wire and wooden mounts and have logged a total of 21.5 hours and gotten into the details. Soon it will be down to fine details and finishing the surface. Some chemicals and a chef's torch will be needed.

Also, I have begun to read indepth analysis of elements that make up the kind of work that I find myself creating. To better what I do as an artist (and if I am to be taken seriously) it is critical that I study art world conventions and conversations surounding:

  • The Horror
  • The Sublime
  • The Post Human
  • The Grotesque
  • Decay
  • The Uncanny
  • The Monstrous/Fantastical
Being familiar with these elements will make me more aware of my place in art making and also improve upon my effectiveness as an artist. That is my newest goal in my capstone project.

The Wretch (11/17/14)